From Chaos of Frustration to Silence of Growth

Company Overview
“Unicommerce – “Would you recommend Us to other businesses?”
Rajesh – “No. Honestly speaking, I would not want my competitors to know about Uniware! :-)”
Because, in absence of any working system, miscommunication and bad information flow were major problems. When new order would come, they would be clueless if they have the product in their warehouse or not, where exactly it is. Orders would come but often get stuck somewhere. Reason ? They would be forgotten or get lost in the chaos. Inventory levels were not optimized. So often they would find themselves trying to procure from vendors on fire fighting basis after getting orders Or Sometimes inventory would go bad because it was stored for too long without any demand in the market. Syncing of orders and inventory on multiple marketplaces was manual – making it a tedious activity, very much prone to human error.
To solve this, Rajesh brought everybody and everything at one place, physically. Even tried to use a custom built software. But things just got worse instead of improving. End result – Not just the customer but even the ones running the company were quite frustrated. But today, the picture is shifted the warehouse away from their office. There is no chaos of frustration to be heard in Rajrang office; all you hear is the Silence of growth. completely different.
With adoption of Uniware, first of all, they could have different teams sitting at different places and accessing the same set of information easily. Cloud based Uniware does not need to be installed. That’s why all you need is a browser to use it. Different teams can access it from different machines. Since Unicommerce does not charge per license, cost was not a factor at all. As they say “Unicommerce gave us the breathing space which was very much needed!”
Visibility, Control, Confidence and Growth
Visibility gives you Control. And Control gives you Confidence to Grow.
Visibility into Inventory
The moment new inventory comes in after QC, it immediately reflects in the system. The moment an order comes, the inventory gets blocked automatically. “So even if I see some inventory in the warehouse, I know that it is blocked.” The visibility into inventory becomes quite crucial in a business like that of Rajrang. In fashion business, apparels tend to get ruined on storing for long time. So you have to sell them out before they expire. Otherwise, you don’t just lose market opportunity but also lose the money invested in those goods. Today, Uniware allows Rajrang a clear visibility into inventory preventing bad inventory problems. They get a snapshot of quick moving items and can easily adjust the procurement levels to match that pace.
Backward Visibility into Vendor’s Inventory
Now that their house is in order, Rajrang is keen to streamline the information flow into backward channels. And Uniware is helping them do it. With visibility into vendor’s inventory, they can confidently predict the time to fulfil for even those orders whose stock they don’t have with them. Even customers prefer slightly late delivery than not being able to buy a particular product.
Visibility into Procurement
When you are dealing with large number of vendors, the way Rajrang does, visibility into procurement can bring lots of dividends. Information like how much of what product do we order from which vendor at what time is just a click away. The quality team knows beforehand which products are going to come the next day for checking. Manager gets to evaluate vendors better and make right procurement decisions. This improved visibility has given the confidence to Rajrang to expand their vendor base as well as product range.
Visibility into your Warehouse
When you have large warehouses and when you have to take goods out frequently for photography purpose, it’s very easy to get warehouses messed up. This is exactly what happened with Rajrang. The sophisticated warehouse management feature in Uniware came to their rescue. Sitting 5 KMs away from their warehouse, Rajesh now knows exactly which product is on what shelf, thanks to the easy to use pick up lists, put away lists and other such features.
Visibility into Shipping
Your job is not over when you dispatch something from your side. Only when it reaches the customer in time, you can claim a happy customer. Earlier they used to have a team to keep track of this using excel sheets, but still all this efforts would fall short because of unavoidable human errors. Now that team just closes manifests and prints reports of tracking thanks to Uniware. With automation in shipping, today they are able to even claim the benefits of early dispatches from marketplaces.
What “Growth” looks like ?
More Marketplaces, More Geographies, More products categories, More Vendors and Ultimately More Orders!
“Even if I get 100+ orders in a day, I can easily handle them”, says Rajesh. More importantly, we no longer let market opportunities slip away. They have started selling on many more marketplaces, many more geographies including international markets like UK, Germany and other European countries. In fact, the built in integrated marketplaces displayed in Uniware, which are available with just a click, kind of encourage the seller to sell more. The only complaint Rajesh has about Uniware is – there are so many features, new ones get added so frequently – that they have a lot of catching up to do even after using it for a year. They feel that they are yet to tap the full potential of Uniware. We could not agree more!
“Expansion into International Markets, where standards are pretty high,would not have been possible without Uniware.” – Rajesh Singh,(Operations Head, Rajrang)