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Home > Blog > Ecommerce Sellers​’​ Meet by Unicommerce in Pune


On 18th of June, 2016, Unicommerce organized an Ecommerce Sellers’ Meet in Pune. The purpose of the event was to educate ecommerce sellers about how Unicommerce can help make online selling easy for them. Unicommerce not only ensures that the sellers have more time to focus on their core business operations, but also reduces their day to day hassles of order processing and inventory management.


The event started with a presentation providing an overview and key features of Unicommerce, followed by an interactive discussion with the sellers. They discussed clearly about the issues they faced on daily basis and were satisfied with the responses they got from the team.


Besides, there was a special segment in the event where our existing customers shared their experiences with Unicommerce. Most of them stressed on the necessity of having Unicommerce for hassle free online selling, saying that one can trust the product with their eyes closed.


Although initially the event was scheduled for 2 hours, we extended it to another 1 hour due to the overwhelming response from the sellers. Everybody was intrigued by the information shared in the event. And a lot of them requested the team to organize more such events in Pune in the near future.


The event came to an end with high tea arrangements for the sellers, which served as a good networking opportunity for them. We must say that it’s been a great experience for us. We look forward to reaching out the dynamic online seller community across India. For further details on the same, please watch out this space.
