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E-commerce is about ‘shut up and shop’. What can you do as a seller?

Go to any traditional marketplaces of India. You will find everything there except silence. Chaotic and colorful, noisy and musical, enchanting and overwhelming, there’s no experience quite as memorable for the shopper as the bazaars of India.


It is always easy to convince somebody to buy your product when you can talk to them in person. It is easy to understand their needs and suggest products accordingly. Persuasion is always easy when you are face-to-face. Whereas you can’t persuade a person through when you’re selling online. Your website is the only mode of persuasion. The product description, photographs of products, portrayal of image needs to be top notch for a customer to be convinced and buy a product.

Not getting? Let me do the honor and tell you what I am talking here.

When a buyer enters your “Online Shop” or looks at your products on online marketplaces, do you know who does the talking on behalf of you? ‘Product Content’ which is listed beside or below your product. It gives the buyer in-detail idea about the product. 

And what if there is no Product content – Its like a shop with no salesperson to attend to customers. No marks for guessing what happens in such situations.

 Exactly. In these online shops without salesperson, Content is your salesperson who will convert the visitor into a buyer.  You might have heard this many times – “Content is  King”. Now you get it, right ?

Why you need to be concerned more on Product Content?

Converting visitors into buying is not the only benefit of Product Content. In fact, that should be enough to convince you to write a persuasive product description copy. Here are some more solid reasons why you should do it.

Google loves it. (by the way Google rules the web)

It has been found that almost 44% of the people proceed with their online shopping after searching it on Google. And around 37.5% of the traffic on the ecommerce website comes through the search engines. Around 23.6% of the ecommerce orders are all relies on the organic traffic. The customers always search for the informative keywords to checkout anything on the internet.  

Social media loves it

Content with accurate product information spreads across social networks, generate powerful word-of-mouth and thus provides exposure to your online existence. It actually builds up a strong relationship with customers. And showcases your product, how it is different from the competitors. Nowadays, almost everybody is using some social media platform. So it becomes an easy task to attract them to your products. The product description is the only information for them to get their queries answered regarding your products.

Your competitors Hate it

Look at product description as one more opportunity to establish your brand. As they say, Brands don’t have to compete to win. They just have to be themselves. Product description not only helps to build customer loyalty, but it also gives your prospective customers parameters to compare your products with other company’s products. And of course, your competitors are going to hate it.

Product Content – Rules to follow!

  • No such thing as Too much

Provide as much information as you can through your product description. Customers want to know more about the products that they can’t touch and feel online. Just an image won’t be enough for them to judge what you offer. 

As said- eyes can’t always see the reality. Things that look good online not necessarily be the same. When it comes to Product content, there is no such thing as too much.

  • Informative rather than Descriptive

Be informative rather than descriptive while developing content for online products. Clearly mention size, length, quantity, weight etc. Customers want to get confirmed that they are buying the right thing. More information provides better visibility.

  • More You Hide, the More They Suspect  

If you are selling something that comes with a guarantee or warranty then clearly mention it in your product description along with the exact duration. It will clear the customer confusion that might become a hindrance in sale. Electronic goods with high value usually come up with such offers. Don’t hide. Transparency is the basic mantra of success here.

  • What about Shipping Charges? Be upfront.

There are certain pain points of online buyers. Shipping charges are one of them. Many a time people change their mind at the last moment after looking at shipping charges. While providing product information never forgets to mention separately how much the buyer has to pay as shipping charges. The online portals where shipping charges are not mentioned clearly, people usually avoid them.

  • Picture is worth a thousand words.

Make sure you always put quality product images on your website. It acts as a key role for the store engagement, conversion and retention, and customer’s trust. A good and closure view of your product picture can actually bridge an emotional connection with the customer. 

Time for Action – Take out your Appointment book.

Book a slot for Monday Morning – “Get Product Content Written” – High priority Task!


